We asked: Do you know you can find out who your coach is on our website and if you have used it, did you find it useful?
45 Customers took part and told us:
18 said yes
8 finding it useful
10 haven't used it
- 0 saying it wasn't useful
- 27 said no
Thank you to everyone who took part. It's great to hear that the customer who have used it found it useful.
What we are doing:
- Add an article to future Connect eNewsletters and social media platforms to raise awareness
- Explore the option to have a reminder link on the bottom of our customer service emails
- Add reminders to our website home page
- If relevant our Customer Services team will let customers know when you call us
Congrats to Samantha from Cardiff for winning August's Question of the Month. Your £50 online voucher is on it's way to you!
If you would like to find out more about Question of the Month or any of the other ways you can get involved to help shape our services, please contact Michelle McGregor at getinvolved@hafod.org.uk