Woman using handrail

Join our team to find out more about the different types of Physical Adaptation work carried out in a Hafod home.

You are invited!

Our PAG panel work on behalf of our customers to ensure the services we provide and the delivery of the Physical Adaptations Grant process are customer-centered and of the highest standard.  They provide an independent check and challenge to the services, service delivery and performance, as well as make recommendations on how they can be improved.

The panel is made up of a maximum of 10 members who are our customers and colleagues and is led by a colleague from our Assets team. The group meets twice a year as a minimum and discuss recommendations for how our PAG services could be improved from a customer perspective.

If you have an interest in physical adaptations or want to know more about the types of physical adaptations we offer, this session is for you! 

To book your space please email getinvolved@hafod.org.uk and our Customer Engagement Officer will be in touch.

Date: 18th April 2024.

Location: Online

Cost: Free

Time: 11:00 - 12:00