Catch up on the September Scrutiny Panel meeting
Spotlight on...
Panel members have benefited from a comprehensive training package delivered by TPAS Cymru to support their 'Spotlight on' sessions. Panel member Sally commented "Helen has been a big help and given us the foundation and confidence to ask challenging questions the right way, I would be keen to have future training"
The Panel were joined by Tracey Healey (Corporate Director of Assets and Customer Experience) and Neil Davies (Hendre Board chair) who support the panel's work and act as a link directly to our board. This demonstrates that our Board is not just listening to our customers but ensuring that they have the opportunity to influence our services and see a change. Michelle McGregor (Customer Engagement Officer) supports the panel by facilitating the sessions.
They shone a light on:
- Rubbish and Recycling - how we communicate with our customers?
- STAR 2023 results - what are our customers saying?
Rubbish and Recycling - How we communicated with our customers!
Prior to the meeting, panel members looked over example letters sent to our customers, asking for their observations and to focus the questions on the content of the letters.
Daniel McTiffin (Compliance and Facilities Manager) and Laura Thorne (Estates Officer) gave an outline of their roles, enabling the panel members to direct their questions to the right person.
The questions and responses are below:
You mention door knocking, can you please explain the process for this, including how you notify customers and include people who work in the daytime.
For this particular door knocking we posted a flyer through letterboxes and chatted to customers when we were on site. We hold a month meeting that is held in the early evening to enable everyone to join and have their say.
Sufficient bins – could you explain more in the letter, e.g. a flat for 2 people would be…. A family home of 4-6 people would be….?
Yes, that's a good point. We have no control over the councils allocation, but we could make it clearer to our customers. This will be looked at for future letters.
Can you include a visual leaflet, explaining what goes where, what colours, frequency of collection, how to arrange bulky collections or taking items to the tip?
Yes, each council that we work with have their own set of visual publications that could be included with any future communications. If there are communal bins these are also added to the communal bin store area. We will also look at your suggestion of adding how to arrange bulky item collection.
Fly tipping costs – could this be moved to the top of the letter to explain costs and educate on problems rather than a threatening tone of increasing their service charge at the bottom of the letter?
Yes, thank you for bringing this to our attention, we can see how this could be misunderstood. We will look at revising the letter taking consideration to the tone used and promote more around how we can work together to tackle these issues and keep service charges low.
All customers appear to be tarred by the same brush when many are good and responsible. Please share any targeted approaches you have taken to target the ones causing the issues.
This can be difficult as we can not always tell who the rubbish belongs to. Our teams will open black bags and if they find any identifiable information, they will discuss this with the customer responsible. We encourage customers to let us know if they are aware of any neighbours who dump rubbish, this will be treated in strict confidence and who reported the issue will not be shared.
Can you tell us, Laura and/or and Dan, how you are tackling fly tipping by outsiders please? And explain Hafod's thinking in customers paying a service charge for something they did not cause and is out of their control?
We encourage customers to notify us quickly and try, if safe to do so, record their number plate or a name that could be on the van, anything that could help us to identify who the fly tippers are. Unfortunately, removing these items comes at a cost which will impact the service charge. But if we can identify them we are able to send the costs to them direct. We also work with local partners and other housing providers to try and explore joint projects to help reduce any associated costs.
STAR 2023 results - what are our customers saying?
Prior to the meeting panel members received a copy of a presentation given to our Board and Executive team outlining our STAR results.
Chris Davies (Customer Experience Manager) appreciated the panel's feedback and is keen to work with them to ensure they are kept up to date and to seek their views on how we share this information with our wider customers.
The questions and responses are below:
Why do you only ask Welsh Government core questions, can you ask more?
Yes, we can ask add more questions, but this can mean that the Welsh Government questions could get lost amongst the others. We are happy to continue to only ask the core questions for the purpose of STAR. STAR is a perception survey, this means that some customers who are asked to complete the survey, may not have used our services in some time, so they are sharing what they think that service is like based on out of date interactions or what they have heard from others. We use other methods to gather feedback from our customers, these include transactional surveys, where a customer is asked to give feedback on a service they have recently received.
There is a very low response rate 688/4805, have you investigated why and changed anything to support customers to complete?
The response rate seems low, but is actually about right for the national average. Introducing Acuity to phone customers has seen an increase and we get more response from our other methods of gaining feedback from customers who have received a service.
Why was the response for Welsh Housing Partnership and Retirement invalid and what are you looking to change for next time to improve this? I am a WHP Tenant, and I did not receive a survey, how are you making sure all customers have a chance to fill in a survey?
The response rate was so low that we could not comfortably say the feedback was a true representation of our Welsh Housing Partnership and Retirement customers. We have explored other options with our Retirement schemes, by enabling the scheme manager to support the customers to complete surveys. I do not know why you did not receive a survey, I apologies for this, we have previously found that it could have gone in customers spam folder, so we advise customers to check. As these are not compulsory surveys, we have to respect the customer choice not to complete one.
Do you offer any options for customers to complete the survey who are not online, such as over the phone or in person and which is your better response to getting results?
Yes, for the first time we used a company called Acuity to contact our customers on the phone or by email. The better response would be from the phone calls as customers are more likely to share their thoughts when asked, where as emails still generate good numbers, but customers may forget to go back to the email and complete.
There is nothing in the Star 2023 Report about what you have learnt from previous surveys and what you have changed. knowing this may encourage customers to complete future surveys. Can you tell us what decisions previous annual surveys have influenced; and how is this information shared with customers?
Yes, you are right and this is something that should have been included. Previous feedback has influenced us to change some of our internal processes, for instance with our repairs service, we have introduced a step in the process where colleagues will contact our contractors on a weekly basis for updates on any outstanding orders and challenge if they have not been completed. It's early days with this, so we don't have any figures to share right now, but we are happy to work on this and attend Scrutiny next year with some facts and figures around this example.
What does Hafod do with the qualitative information it collects?
We utilise this information to help shape and inform our work programmes. I recognise that although we are using it, we don't always communicate this to our customers, this is something that we are looking to change.
The topics for the next Scrutiny Panel meeting are:
- Communication - Are we getting it right and are we learning from previous feedback?
- Performance - What are our stats telling us?
For those interested in contributing to future discussions, our Customer Engagement Officer Michelle McGregor encourages you to get in touch. This inclusive approach reflects our commitment to the principle of 'nothing about us, without us.' We recognise that policies and procedures impacting individuals should be shaped with their involvement, highlighting our dedication to customer engagement and empowerment.
If you would like to be involved in examining our services, please email getinvolved@hafod.org.uk to start your journey to making lives better.