How to #GetInvolved and have your say!

We want you to get involved with us, to help make decisions about the services you receive and influence the way we work. Your level of involvement is your choice. Stay updated via our website, Connect eNewsletter, or explore other engagement opportunities listed below. 

If you're interested in getting involved in any way, please contact Michelle McGregor, our Customer Engagement Officer, by emailing or calling 07796547986.

Portrait of Michelle McGregor
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Topic groups

Shape the services you receive by joining our online focus groups.

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Connect eNewsletter

Stay informaed about Hafod news, your community and #HafodHereForYou campaigns. Subscribe now

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Question of the month

Share your views on topical questions to influence the services your receive. Find out more

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Physical Adaptations Grant

Share your home adaptation experiences and influence our processes for other customers. Find out more

Feedback icon

Customer surveys

Tell us what you think about our services.

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Scrutiny Panel

Join our online group of customers, colleagues and Board members to ensure your voice is heard in our decision-making. Find out more

eCymru logo


Access free training, engagement activities, cooking demos and more on our online platform.

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Mystery shopping

Test our services anonymously from home, at your convenience. Find out more

Find out more

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Scrutiny Panel

Our Scrutiny Panel is made up of volunteer customers, colleagues and board members who play a key role in helping to improve our services. The Panel meet regularly to review performance and make recommendations to ensure our customers have a voice, placing them at the heart of everything we do. 

Read more to find out their latest update and how you can join the panel

Lady working at her desk on the phone

Question of the month

Every month you'll have the opportunity to take part in question of the month and answer the month's question. Your feedback helps us to shape and improve our services based on your experiences of living in a Hafod home. Keep an eye out in your Connect eNewsletter for regular updates. 

View this months question, previous questions or suggest a question

Lady using her phone sitting in an armchair

Mystery shoppers

Our mystery shopper cutsomers carry out digital mystery shopping exercises by listening to calls made to our Customer Services team. Their aim is to make sure our services are delivered consistently by everybody and to identify training needs within the team.

As a digital mystery shopper, you will be sent a link to access the calls and survey. This takes place four times a year and will only take 30 mins to complete. As a thank you for your time, you will receive a £20 voucher of your choice.

If you are interested in becoming a mystery shopper, please get in touch at to register your interest. 

Read more to find out our latest results

Lady pouring tea in her kitchen

TPAS Cymru – Tenant Pulse

Do you want to make housing better? Tenant Pulse is the voice of tenants in Wales. It has been created by TPAS Cymru and is supported by Welsh Government. Their main aim is to find out what matters most to tenants in Wales.

The results of their surveys are used by Welsh Government and landlords to create housing policy which works for tenants, and which makes housing in Wales safer and fairer.

Have your say by joining the thousands of tenants already registered