Mystery Shopping aims to give us valuable feedback from our customers on the services they recieve from our Customer Experience Team.
Trained customers carry out a mystery shopping exercise by listening to calls made to our customer services team. The aim of these exercises is to make sure our services are delivered equally by everyone and to identify training needs within our team.
We have seen an increase in the other methods of communication our customers choose to use and have expanded the Mystery Shopping project (October 2024) to include emails.

How it works!
- Choosing the questions: The questions are set by the Customer Services Team Lead and Customer Experience Manager to ensure they align with any key performance indicators we are using.
- Protecting our customers: All calls and messages are screened for suitability as we get a lot of very personal communications. Once screened, all identifiable information is removed. e.g. you will hear the team member ask, can you please confirm your address, but you will not hear the answer.
- Method of collection: Customers who have completed online training around confidentiality in line with our GDPR process will be send a link to an online survey where they will be able to hear recorded calls made to our customers services team and view messages that have been sent. This link can only be used once and will remian open for seven days. After this time the Mystery Shoppers will no longer have access.
- Collecting the responses: The Customer Engagement Officer will oversee the collection of the results. In line with GDPR guidance the full survey result will only be accessed by the Customer Engagement Team who will share the results with relevant colleagues.
- Thank you: Our Mystery Shoppers recieve a £20 online voucher as a thank you for their time for each survey they complete.
- Results: The results are published on our website and in our Connect eNewsletter, shared through our internal communications and discussed at our Scrutiny Panel.
- Frequency: The mystery Shoppers carry out a minimum of four exerices a year.
If you have any questions about this project or wish to become a mystery shopper please contact