How we update and make improvements to your home

To keep your home in good condition and make sure it stays a warm, safe and comfortable place to live, from time to time we’ll make changes and updates to your home.

What we do and why we do it

  • It’s important to both you, and us, that your home is kept in good condition
  • This means you have a nice home to live in and we protect our investments and have happy customers
  • To make sure all this happens, we’ll do ‘wear and tear’ repairs as they crop up (and ask you to do the ones you’re responsible for too)
  • We also have a plan to do home improvements, such as new kitchens and bathrooms etc, and update your home

Planned improvements are carried out in set cycles and to set specifications. Some of these cycles are set by the governments Welsh Housing Quality Standard and it is designed to ensure we are constantly improving our standards with the latest version released in 2023. Improvements include new kitchens and bathrooms, new doors and windows, new roofs, and replacing heating systems and electrics. 

We rely on the information we hold about our homes when we set our cycles for planned improvements. This information comes from stock condition surveys which we carry out on every home at least once every five years.

This will update our records and ensure we can make sure your replacements happen as and when they are required. Just because you are on our list for inspection, it does not automatically mean you will have work completed on your home. In order to reduce our carbon footprint and provide best value for money we often push back to the date of replacement where the condition allows. The surveyor who attends can discuss this with you.

We will contact you when you are due for any planned improvements so you have time to prepare, but if you would like to ask us anything about our planned programme please get in touch.

We work our plans up to 30 years ahead. Below is a map of the areas we have works planned in 2024. 

A map of the areas we have planned maintenance in 2024